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Shiner Volksmarch

Walk starts out through residential area.

We read the historical marker for the cemetery.

We walked through the cemetery.

In memory of all veterans, 1972.

Entrance to Green Dickson Park.

Resting at the lake overlook.

The lake in the park.


Veteran's Memorial in the park.

Dedicated to all veterans of all wars.

We headed back into residential area.

Another nice old home.

A fence was covered in these pretty Passion Vines.

Yet another pretty home.

We didn't take the tour of the brewery.

Old downtown looking good.

Old Opera House is now the "Gaslight Theater".

Looking in the Opera House window it looks like a restaurant.

This is a block off the walk route.

Checking out the Amish buggy.

We passed another interesting Historical Marker.

Old rusty building with no name on it and an old army gun on the porch.

Old wagon behind the rusty building.

There were lots of rain lilies in the yards, but they were white. There were only a few groups of yellow ones.

Saints Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church.

A close-up of the church.

The painting inside the church.

One of the stained glass windows.

Further painting inside the church.

Lovely metal fence.

Lovely old building as we pass back through downtown.

Another lovely old building.

City Hall dated 1927.

Welhausen Park.

Artillery on display in the park.

Park Bandstand.
