Seminole Canyon State Park Event
Val Verde County

Windmill Nature Trail (.75mi)




We wanted to start hiking before the Park opened (due to heat) so we registered for the event and then took the Windmill Nature Trail which isn't part of the official walk route. We enjoyed this short jaunt. Upon finishing the nature trail we headed back to our car with plans to return the next morning to do the hike. Unfortunately, it was not to be. I fell on the asphalt parking lot and broke my hip. Since I am unable to walk more than the .75 mi in the State Park I am collecting my event stamp for it anyway. I did an "event" in Val Verde County.

Went into the ranger station and registered for the event.

Walked past some nice displays to reach the Windmill Trailhead.

View of the canyon.

"Maker of Peace" sculpture.
Passing the statue.

Looking back you see the ranger station next to the statue.

Another view of the canyon.

We were hiking downhill so the Ranger Station is now at the top of the hill above us.

Looks like a cave in the rocks.

Cactus and rocks.

The trail is level along here.

The purple sage was beautiful.

Climbing back out of the canyon.

More purple sage.

Windmill that the trail is named after.

Back at the ranger station we paused to read the exhibits.

The Pecos High Bridge was a railroad bridge. There is also the highway bridge on Hwy 90 which we'd driven across.

Information on the Seminole Indian Scouts.
