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Salado Year Round Event

Parking for the walk is behind the Sugar Shack.

An old log cabin.

The Stagecoach Inn (owner died, it's closed).

Old wagon on Stagecoach Inn grounds.

We visited the ruins of Salado College.
Ed and the statue of the founder of the college.

Walking down Peddler's Alley.

Salado Creek where there are springs bubbling up.
Sirena (mermaid statue) used to be here.

"Relaxing by the Creek" by John Lawhon.

Whirligig in one of the shop's courtyards.

Baines House (NRHP listing) is home of LBJ's grandfather.
It is now a B&B, so you could stay there.

Goodnight Amphitheater were they put on plays.

Natural rock picnic tables are near the amphitheater.

Rose Mansion (another NRHP) is also a B&B.

Lovely Crape Myrtle bushes.

"Jesus, the Good Shepherd" statue in front of Methodist Church.

Methodist Church (NRHP).

Sundial in the church garden.

Hendrickson-Caskey House (NRHP).

Twelve Oaks is hidden by the oaks.

Lovely gate entrance.

Spotted Sirena (high and dry) when we crossed the bridge over Salado Creek. She is right next to where the parking for the walk is. Walk toward the creek after you park and you should find her.

Creek has white water.

Water rushing over the dam.

Pace Memorial Park.

Pace Park pavilion on the hill above.

Mrs. Pace's picture on the gate needs restoration.

Mr. Pace's picture is in even worse shape.

Metal sculpture in front of the bank.

"Self Made Man" by Joe Barrington.

Anderson House (NRHP).

Dry fountain in the corner of a strip mall.
