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Huntsville Volksmarch

In 1862, after Sam Houston left governorship of Texas,
he rented Steamboat House, and here he died in 1863.
His funeral was held in the upstairs parlor. This house
was moved here and restored.

Rock wall rumored to have been built by the WPA.

Gazebo on the museum grounds.

We left the museum grounds and walked residential
streets passing this really nice home.

English native George Robinson (1820-1888), formerly
of the Galveston News, moved to Huntsville by 1846
and began printing the Huntsville Item on August 20, 1850.

Current location of the Huntsville Item newspaper.

Old Printing Press outside the newspaper office.

Born a slave and reared on the Alabama plantation
of the Lea family, Joshua Houston was brought to
Texas in 1840 by Margaret Lea and Sam Houston.

Town Creek.

Constructed between 1859 and 1862 by James Thomason,
this is one of the oldest homes in Walker County.

We detoured from the walk route into Founders Park
and found this sculpture representing Native Americans
at a recreated spring. There was a spring here in the
early 1800fs when Huntsville was first settled.

Womanfs head with flowing hair by Artist David Adickes
is on display next to his studio/museum (Old High School).

Memorial to James Gillaspie, who fought for the
interest of Texas in THREE wars, serving THREE
different countries.

Center portion of the memorial at Sam Houstonfs grave.

Entrance to Oakwood Cemetery next to Sam Houstonfs grave.

Path through the cemetery.

Main entrance to Oakwood Cemetery.

Memorial in honor and memory of veterans of all wars
sets on a corner of the Walker County courthouse square.

Confederate War Memorial on courthouse lawn.

Another markers as we circle the courthouse square
is the 1936 Texas Centennial Marker .

Gazebo on the last corner of the courthouse square.

Cornerstone from old courthouse.

Interesting historical marker.

One of 25 lodges started during the Republic of Texas.
Forrest Lodge No. 19 was chartered on Jan. 11, 1844.

The Town Theatre opened in 1947 and closed in 1974.
Reopened in 2002 as the J. Philip Gibbs Jr. Centre
for the Performing Arts.

"The Walls Unit" Huntsville State Prison 1848.

Marker across from the prison and a little off the walk route.
Inmates, slaves, and free men worked in the penitentiary
textile factory, main source of cloth goods for Confederate

The mural gives highlights from the life of Sam Houston
who was a frontiersman, the commander of the battle at San
Jacinto, Governor of the State of Texas, Chief of the
Cherokees, and lived in the steamboat house when he died.

Take a Look on the Wild Side by Kat Black (2011)

Belvin Hall constructed by the WPA was the first
student residence constructed on the campus of Sam
Houston State University, then called Sam Houston
State Teachers College.

Elizabeth Elliott Hall - womenfs dormitory.

The Rainbow Walker sculpture is hiding in trees,
but overlooks the parking lot on the western edge
of Bowers Stadium. It is across several parking lots
from the walk route, but you can see it peeking out
of the trees if you look hard.

Memorial plaque next to the library.

Bronze sculpture on the campus of Sam Houston State
University dedicated to Frances Handley Bowers wife
of Elliott T. Bowers, 9th president of SHSU. Look right
as you come up the stairs, it is a little off the route.

Way off the walk route, in front of the Performing
Arts Center. Named "Double-Double"

Dwarf Snap Dragons.

Life Size statue of Sam Houston by David Adickes that
matches his 67Œ version that stands along I-45.

SHSU Clock Tower with bells on the mall.

Fountain on the Mall.

gPresidentfs Treeh is a Southern Magnolia planted in
1912 in front of the University Presidentfs residence.

This sixteen-foot Howard clock was installed in 2003.
It has the letters that make up the name gSam Houstonh
in place of the numbers. Look right at the fountain to see it.

Dan Rather Communications Building was dedicated in
1994. Dan Rather who anchored the CBS Evening News
for many years is an alumni of SHSU. He graduated August 1953.

Carol posing with gOld Mainh and statue of Sam Houston.

Bronze statue of Sam Houston is on the
Smithsonian Art Inventory.

SHSU Co-Ed Residence Hall

Inside the rotunda museum is a collection of artifacts
and manuscripts belonging to Sam Houston, along with a
few of his personal effects.

Park Entrance.

This pond/lake is rumored to have been dug by the WPA.

Sam Houston and his wife Margaret (Lea) built this house,
“Woodland”, in 1847. Four of their eight children were born here.

Information plaque about "Woodland Home".
