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Granbury, TX
TVA General Assy Event

Priscilla and Heinz were working the start table.

Ed and Carlen talking to Heinz.

Activity at the registration area. Some of the 5K walkers are already checking in.

Our daughter Kerwin joined us on the walk today.

The Bohnerts from Comfort on the 5K route.

Abstract Art in front of Lake Granbury Art Association.
Waterfall along the hike/bike trail.

Hike and bike trail through a large open area.

Our checkpoint volunteers had orange slices and watermelon chunks for us as well as water.

We passed the airport.

First Christian Church

Ed and Kerwin on the trail.

Old water cistern.

Victor and Laura caught us when we waited for the light to cross FM144.

Victorian Home turned into Inn on Lake Granbury.

The Doyle House is an old Victorian home turned Bed & Breakfast. It is also known as the “Captain’s House”.
Walk route circled the Hood County Courthouse.

Clay was leaving just as we finished up.

