Goliad Event
Goliad County




Second Empire Style Courthouse, was completed and occupied in August, 1894.

This is a "new" clock tower completed in 2003. Original destroyed in 1942 by a hurricane.

The paved Angel of Goliad trail leading from down town out to the State Park.

Abandoned RR bridge hiding in the trees along the trail.
Ed on the boardwalk ramp.

Cactus taking over a tree.

Mission Espiritu Santo appears when we come out of the trees.

A better view of the mission.

Another view of the mission, which isn't on the official walk route, but we had to go take a look!

Original 1936 granite marker located on the path to the mission.

Entrance of Mission Espíritu Santo.

Inside the chapel.

Jesus in a side alcove of the restored chapel.

Display in building behind the chapel.

Spanish helmet and chain mail.

Ed and Bluebonnets near sundial.

Aranama Trail - Nature Loop Trail

View of the trail split.

Down some stairs and across a bridge.

Down more stairs and across another bridge.

Kiln on the hill used by CCC.

Cave or CCC excavation for lime?

Back at the mission we passed this information plaque.

Only remaining "original" wall of mission.

Plaque about the "original" wall section.

Back on the official walk route we followed the trail along the San Antonio River.

View of the river.

Taking a park road under the highway.

We followed the trail to the standing figure of General Ignacio Zaragoza, in full military uniform.

View of the Presidio de La Bahia.

Amphitheater behind the statue. Cinco de Mayo celebrations are held here.

Metal art with Texas and Mexican Flag.

Angel of Goliad Statue.

Fannin Memorial.

Cannon on display at Fannin Memorial entrance.

A closer look at the memorial.

La Bahia Cemetery was established in conjunction with the Chapel of Presidio Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de Loreto de la Bahia.

Neat building near the Presidio.

Tower at the corner of the Presidio.

Another view of the Presidio. We didn't go in as there was an additional charge to do so.

Heading back toward town on the trail.

Had to detour to get a picture of the park entrance.

Another angle on the entrance.

Climbing the boardwalk ramp we could see the bridge again.

The ramp to the bridge is gone, so is the floor of the bridge.

Passed this neat old house.

Passed back by the Goliad Courthouse.

About 1871, the market was put up and rented to sellers of meat and produce. In 1886 this became firehouse, with a meeting hall and a room for hook and ladder equipment. Bell bought in 1890 rang night hours and sounded alarms. Home of volunteer fire company until 1964, this building was restored in 1967 as a museum.

In 1885 one of the survivors of the massacre (Wm Hunter) and the Fannin Monument Association erected an obelisk memorial to Fannin and his men.

This isn't a pretty house, it is a funeral home.

Tree on the Courthouse Square where capital sentences rendered in court were immediately carried out, and hence the name, The Hanging Tree.
