Cedar Hill

Brooke, Karen, Debra and Helen worked the start area.

Small fountain with houses behind.

Trail head for Red Oak Creek.

Ed and Carol on the nice wide paved trail.

Crossing the creek.

Wild flowers along the trail.
Volksmarchers headed back from the checkpoint.

Heidi, Gary and Mackey.
Large tree branch down.

Checkpoint is here.

Ed enjoying a cookie at the checkpoint.

Colin (Walker) with Donna and Diane (checkpoint volunteers).

Diane about to reach the checkpoint.

Circle trail intersection.

Mackey and Maggie and another volksmarcher.

Carol in the nature trail section.

Landscaping along the trail.

Mist on the roses really sparkled.

Carol and Ed and the Red Oak Creek overlook.

White rock along the trail.

Bridge over the creek in a backyard.

Karen on the trail.

Leslie, Helen and Brooke.

Gary and Donna passed us.

Meeting along the trail.

Another couple of volksmarchers.

Getting our books stamped at the finish.
